Attention Deficit Disorder Teen Treatment

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) Treatment for Teen can help to reduce the symptoms of ADD. You may search a no side effect treatment for the teen, acupuncture and herbal might be the best way for you.

Chinese Master a man who are well known in worldwide for treating ADD using Neuro Acupuncture and herbal.Chinese Master is the first Malaysian acupuncturist to be award a first class acupuncturist by SuZhou Acupuncturist and Association. He had been interview by many newspaper, magazine, television program and radio program. Chinese Master uses Neuro Acupuncture which is a very complex medical technique to treat Attention Deficit Disorder patient. Chinese Master had his own herbal formula for ADD patient. He called it Herbal Brain Powder. The Herbal Brain Powder did not need to cook, patient just add into the water and drink it.

The Tole Neuro Acupuncture is had been practice by Chinese Master many years. More than 85% of ADD patients symptoms had been reducing after received a period of The Tole Neuro Acupuncture and ate the herbal brain powder. Many ADD teen take the herbal brain powder, they can concentrate for longer periods, to complete tasks, and to comply with requests.

In general, teenagers with ADD are at higher risk for academic failure, social isolation, accidents, low self esteem, demoralization, and disruptive behavior. Most of the cases, ADD can be a lifelong disorder, but for those teenagers diagnosed and treated early, the condition can be effectively managed, and their lives can indeed be productive, successful, and fulfilling.


About Attention Deficit Disorder in Teenager

Attention Deficit Disorder is a development disorder. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is to describe the people who are impulsive and inattentiveness. Attention Deficit Disorder is a sub-type of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. Attention Deficit Disorder also call predominantly inattentive of ADHD.

In “Summary Health Statistics for U.S. Children: National Health Interview Survey, 2010” shows, in year 2010 had 8% of kids who are 17 and under (3 years old) had been diagnosed with ADHD. Boys diagnosed with ADHD are higher than girls.

To diagnose ADD the following symptoms should appear more than 6 months:

  • Easy to be distract
  • Cannot Concentrate
  • Do not like/avoid complicated activities
  • Often forgetful the daily activities
  • Cannot put attention to details in homework, task or during activities
  • Often loss their things such as pencil, bag, bottle and textbooks
  • Did not follow the instruction that given by teacher or parents

Teen who have symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder should received treatment as fast as possible so that the symptoms will not affect their life so much. Teen who have ADD may affect their social, study and daily activities. Due to the attention level, they might easy to get hurt in the daily activities. Some of the doctor might suggest the ADD patient do not drive.


Search for more information about ADD Teen Alternative Treatment here

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September 18, 2012Permalink Leave a comment